AMAZONA from the Pre-Flood Arctic Refuge

In the vast cold reaches of the far north lives Amazona, woman of surpassing strength and unmatched beauty. She and her people are the last survivors of a super race that perished during the period of the last ice age.

F: Decent (10)
A: World Class (30)
S: Astounding (50)
E: Astounding (50)
R: Average (06)
I: Average (06)
P: Average (06)

Health: 130
Karma: 18
Wealth: Zero / Fantastic (40) (all back at her Refuge in the Arctic)
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Grappling, Evasion, Operate Ancient Arctic Civilization Technology, Drive Car, Ride Hoverbike, Pilot Hovercar
Amazona is a member of a hidden race who live in a functioning Refuge in the Arctic. Her abilities are those of her race although her Fighting, Strength and Endurance are all one Rank higher than is normal for her people.

  • SUPER ABILITY (Strength) (Astounding)
  • SUPER ABILITY (Endurance) (Astounding)
  • LIFE SUPPORT (Cold)(Phenomenal): Amazona is immune to the effects of cold. Exposure to liquid nitrogen or other supercooled liquids and materials will slightly chill her or give her the mildest of frostburns at best.

  • Contacts:


    Unlike the Refuge of Speed Centaur which is also inside the Arctic Circle, Amazona's Refuge is still functional. It has not yet had any direct contact with the outside world nor has Amazona brought its first outsider visitor to it. In theory, this means the Refuge could continue to function as it has for millennia, for millenia more.
    While not immortal like some other Refuge hidden races, Amazona and her people are extremely long lived compared to modern humans, with lifespans of 900 or more years being typical. They mature at the same rate as modern humans but then the ageing process slows to a virtual standstill for centuries. Kid and Teen Age brackets can be kept as per the standard FASERIPopedia rules, but each of Adult, Mature, Old, and Venerable Ages lasting ten times longer each. Adult still begins at 20 but ends circa 450, with Mature beginning at 451; likewise Mature ends circa 609 years old, Old at 799 years old. Amazona will not move into the Mature category for her race until around the year 2391 AD.