All Weapons have four main attributes: Cost, Material Strength, Range, Damage and Type. Range for all melee (hand to hand combat) Weapons is Touch (Terrible) but guns and other range weapons are now given a range which may be different from the general Weapon rating (Damage) which is now a separate entry. Type explains the damage type of the Weapon for example Lethal Projectile, Blunt Melee and so on. Some Weapons have Type of Splash or Explosion. Explosion means general comic book damage- blast, smoke, shrapnel or fire lashes the target area. Splash refers to Weapons that squirt a liquid or gas and this attack spreads over a single figure unless it is noted to cover a larger area. The basic Weapons statistics are given on page 58 of the FASERIP RPG rulebook.
Also of note is that the cost of items including Weapons in the FASERIP rulebook is given as a Rank, which is supposed to modify the Wealth roll to obtain them. In this article weapons are noted as being availability in terms of Average, Rare or Luxury. Average items require a standard successful Wealth roll to obtain. Rare Weapons require a Silver roll to obtain; Luxury items require a Gold roll to obtain. Almost all the magical, superhero and bizarre technological Weapons are Luxury and the gamemaster can easily be justified in inflicting further RS penalties to obtain them. For example a Weapon with Cost of Luxury -3RS requires a Wealth roll with a Gold result having first applied a -3RS penalty to Wealth.
Weapons are under strict controls in "civilized" countries of the Earth with many either needing a license or being banned from use under various forced and spurious laws. This means that before some of these Weapons are even in use they will be the subject of law enforcement harassment or worse.
Whether Weapons are unique or produced on a production line, or by magic spells, all Weapons are Devices and at some point in the past have gone through the Prototype and Stunt process for invention ("Building Devices", FASERIP RPG, page 50). This means as in real life a suit of armor, a race car or a spaceship can be improved, by having more or better systems added to it as time goes on. It will cost a lot in terms of Karma but that is part of the point of the ten repeated step progression in FASERIP.
Adding a Scope to a ranged weapon improves its accuracy by a +3RS on its attack roll required. Cost of a Scope is Luxury tier.
Firearms and other weapons with a limited amount of ammunition or "shots" can have a Snail Shell Clip or equivalent attached. This multiplies the total ammunition available by 5 before the Weapon runs out of bullets or shots. Cost of a Snail Shell Clip is Luxury -2RS.
In the Wealth article on this site the concept of Quality is introduced. This is very applicable to Weapons. Some of the exotic Weapons may only be available secondhand from Police auctions, Scrapyards or Private auctions. Likewise some the Weapons listed here would have to be bought "hot" on the Black Market.
Ranged Weapons come with a full amount of whatever ammunition they fire. However, it is also possible to substitute different kinds of bullets, arrows, bolts and so on for the standard issue ammunition and these other types of missile will do the different damage as noted.
FLEXIBLE WEAPONS: Flexible weapons include chains, rope and whips. All of these weapons are Average +1RS to buy. Flexible weapons usually inflict only Terrible damage, but they all also inflict Great Binding on a target if the user of the flexible weapon can make a Silver Rank roll on Agility.
This is a broad category for Weapons "too big for any normal human to carry" and Weapons "mounted on a Vehicle, operated by a team of people or otherwise gigantic" but it also includes exceptions to the first specification - "human portable rocket and grenade launchers." Rocket launchers, grenade launchers and other human portable Heavy Weapons have a *Star next to their name.
Where an Artillery or other big gun or Weapon may be really unfamiliar it is explained a little bit. World War 2 and other historical pieces are simply listed by name.
This section also includes siege weapons, the pre-gunpowder and rocket version of artillery.
Ammunition for Artillery and other heavy Weapons can vary like any other type of projectile. The standard amount of ammunition available for Artillery and other heavy weapons is Average (6) although depending on the vehicle or where the Weapon is located the amount of shots available to fire could be much higher.
Other than the *human portable ones, all Weapons in this section require a crew of 4 or more people. Some could arguably be operated by flipping a switch if they were already to fire.
Heavy Weapons can all be fitted on Vehicles including trucks, hovercars and aircraft. Fitting them requires Specialist Military Ordnance Engineer or similar or Talent Weapons Technician to successfully attach them for use.
Unless they are human portable, in which case the user aims them, or are noted as being unguided, all missiles are equipped with homing or targeting systems of some kind. Any roll to evade a successful hit suffers a -4RS penalty to escape the impact of the weapon.
A Grenade Launcher equivalent to the 40mm Grenade Launcher can be attacked to any normal Assault Rifle. Fitting them requires the services of a Talent: Weaponsmith.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
*9K38 Igla (SA-18 Grouse) | Luxury | Great | Single Shift | Wondrous | Blast (Explosion) |
*9K333 Verba (SA-25) | Luxury -1RS | Great | Single Shift | Wondrous | Blast (Explosion) |
9K720 Iskander (SS-26 Stone) Single Missile Launcher | Luxury -5RS | Single Shift | Planetary | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 5 Area radius or Nuclear Warhead - Blast (Nuclear Explosion) and Affliction (radiation poisoning) in 30 Area radius |
5 inch Naval Gun | Luxury -3RS | Triple Shift | Triple Shift | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 4 Area radius or Blast (Nuclear - incineration plus Affliction (radiation poisoning)) in 10 Area radius |
12 inch Naval Gun | Luxury | Triple Shift | Double Shift | Phenomenal | Blast (Explosion) in 8 Area radius |
13.5 inch Naval Gun | Luxury -3RS | Triple Shift | Triple Shift | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 8 Area radius or Blast (Nuclear - incineration plus Affliction (radiation poisoning)) in 20 Area radius |
14 inch Naval Gun | Luxury -4RS | Triple Shift | Triple Shift | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 14 Area radius or Blast (Nuclear - incineration plus Affliction (radiation poisoning)) in 20 Area radius |
16 inch Naval Gun | Luxury -4RS | Triple Shift | Triple Shift | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 20 Area radius or Blast (Nuclear - incineration plus Affliction (radiation poisoning)) in 30 Area radius |
18 inch Naval Gun | Luxury -5RS | Triple Shift | Triple Shift | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 30 Area radius or Blast (Nuclear - incineration plus Affliction (radiation poisoning)) in 30 Area radius |
*40mm Grenade Launcher | Average | Decent | Fantastic | World Class | Blast (Explosion) in 2 Area radius |
*40mm Rotary Six-Barrelled Grenade Launcher | Rare | Decent | Astounding (maximum) | World Class | Blast (Explosion) in 2 Area radius |
75mm Cannon (two wheeled artillery piece) | Average | Great | Double Shift | Phenomenal | Blast (Explosion) |
*120mm Unguided Rocket Gun | Average | Decent | World Class | World Class | Blast (Explosion) |
155mm Tangler Cannon | Luxury -4RS | Great | Triple Shift | Great | Binding on Kaiju or Giant Robots; Lethal Melee (crushing) on normal characters in a 5 Area radius |
203mm Siege Mortar | Average | Triple Shift | Double Shift | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 5 Area radius |
210mm Gun | Average | Triple Shift | Triple Shift (18 miles) | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 7 Area radius |
420mm Gamma-Device | Average | Triple Shift | Triple Shift | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 10 Area radius |
AK-130 Dual 5 Inch Naval Gun | Luxury -4RS | Triple Shift | Triple Shift | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 30 Area radius or Blast (Nuclear - incineration plus Affliction (radiation poisoning)) in 30 Area radius |
*Alcotan-100 | Rare | Decent | Wondrous | World Class | Blast (Explosion) |
*AT4 | Average | Decent | Astounding | Astounding | Blast (Explosion) |
Ballista (giant crossbow) | Rare | Average | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Battering Ram (8 or more people to carry or push) | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Fantastic | Lethal Melee |
*Bazooka | Average | Decent | Fantastic | World Class | Blast (Explosion) |
BGM-71 TOW missile | Luxury | Great | Phenomenal | Wondrous | Blast (Explosion) within 5 Areas of impact, for another 5 Areas beyond this, Lethal Projectile. |
*Blowpipe | Average | Decent | Wondrous | Fantastic | Blast (Explosion) |
Bofors 25mm Automatic Gun | Luxury | Single Shift | Single Shift direct fire, Double Shift parabolic fire | Phenomenal | Blast (Explosion) |
Bushmaster IV 40mm Chaingun | Luxury -3RS | World Class | Single Shift | Stellar | Lethal Projectile. |
Catapult (giant rock thrower) | Rare | Decent | Astounding | Fantastic | Lethal Melee (crushed by giant rock) |
Cruise Missile | Average | Decent | Planetary (1500 miles), Speed Double Shift (690 miles per hour) | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 14 Area radius or Blast (Nuclear - incineration plus Affliction (radiation poisoning)) in 21 Area radius |
*Dard 120 120mm Grenade Launcher | Average | Great | Wondrous | Fantastic | Blast (Explosion) |
*FHJ-84 Double-Barrelled Flame Rocket Launcher | Average | Average | Astounding | World Class | Blast (Fire) |
*FIM-43 Redeye | Rare | Great | Single Shift | Astounding | Blast (Explosion) |
Gamma Delta Omni-Cannon | Luxury -7RS | World Class | Triple Shift | Single Shift | Blast (accelerated Gamma Radiation) |
Gimlet unguided missile (Pilot's agility used to aim) | Average | Great | Single Shift | Fantastic | Blast (Explosion) |
Harpoon Missile | Rare | Great | Triple Shift | Fantastic | Blast (Explosion) |
*Hotchkiss M1909 Benét–Mercié machine gun | Average | Decent | Double Shift | Astounding | Lethal Projectile |
*Javelin | Average | World Class | Single Shift | Fantastic | Blast (Explosion) |
*LAW80 | Average | Decent | Fantastic | Fantastic | Blast (Explosion) |
*Lewis Gun | Average | Decent | Fantastic | Astounding | Lethal Projectile |
M2 Infantry Mortar | Average | Decent | Wondrous | World Class | Blast (Explosion) |
*M6 Linebacker firing FIM-92 Stinger | Average | Decent | Single Shift | Astounding | Blast (Explosion) |
M61 Vulcan 20mm Rotary Cannon | Luxury | Single Shift | Wondrous | Astounding | Lethal Projectile. |
M114 155mm Howitzer | Luxury -2RS | Single Shift | Triple Shift | Stellar | Blast (Explosion) |
M224 Infantry Mortar | Rare | Decent | Wondrous | Fantastic | Blast (Explosion) |
M242 Bushmaster 25mm Chaingun | Luxury | World Class | Astounding | Stellar | Lethal Projectile. |
M252 81mm Mortar | Rare | Great | Single Shift | Fantastic | Blast (Explosion) in 3 Area radius |
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System | Luxury -7RS | Decent | Wondrous | Planetary to Cosmic (can fire up to EIGHT guided missiles at once) | Blast (Explosion) |
Madsen 20mm Cannon (two wheeled artillery piece or naval gun) | Average | Average | Astounding | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 5 Area radius |
MGM-51 Shilelagh missile | Luxury -5RS | World Class | Triple Shift | Stellar | Blast (Explosion) within 5 Areas of impact, for another 10 Areas beyond this, Lethal Projectile. |
MGM-140 ATACMS | Luxury -3RS | Single Shift | Planetary (190 miles) | Stellar | Blast (Explosion) within 10 Areas of impact, for another 10 Areas beyond this, Lethal Projectile. |
*MK47 Striker | Luxury | Great | Wondrous | World Class | Blast (Explosion) in 3 Area radius |
Onager (giant rock thrower) | Rare | Decent | Wondrous | Fantastic | Lethal Melee (crushed by giant rock) |
OTR-23 Oka Theater Ballistic Missile | Luxury -5RS | Single Shift | Planetary (300 miles) | Planetary | Blast (Explosion) in 25 Area radius or Nuclear Warhead - Blast (Nuclear Explosion) and Affliction (radiation poisoning) in 30 Area radius |
*Panzerfaust 3 | Rare | Great | Astounding | World Class | Blast (Explosion) |
QLZ-87 35mm Grenade Launcher | Average | Decent | Fantastic | World Class | Blast (Explosion) in 2 Area radius |
*QW Missile | Average | Great | Wondrous | World Class | Blast (Explosion) |
*RPG-7 | Average | Great | Wondrous (self detonates at 1,000 yards) | Astounding | Blast (Explosion) |
S-75 Dvina (SA-2 "Guideline") Surface-to-Air Missile | Luxury | Single Shift | Triple Shift (28 miles) | Triple Shift | Blast (Explosion) |
*Schwarzlose M7 Machinegun | Average | Great | Astounding | Wondrous | Lethal Projectile |
Ship's Cannon | Average | Single Shift | Wondrous | Astounding | Lethal Projectile. |
Shipunov 2A42 30mm Cannon | Luxury -2RS | Single Shift | Single Shift | Triple Shift | Blast (Explosion) |
Siege Hook (giant claw to tear down walls or buildings) | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Fantastic | Lethal Melee (double damage to buildings or vehicles) |
Spandau MG08 Machinegun | Average | Great | Astounding | Wondrous | Lethal Projectile |
*Starstreak | Average | Great | Astounding | Wondrous | Blast (Explosion) |
*Starstreak II | Rare | Great | Phenomenal | Wondrous | Blast (Explosion) |
*Tear Gas Grenade Launcher | Average | Decent | World Class | Great | Affliction (Tear Gas), can also use Affliction (Choking Smoke) |
Trebuchet (giant sling) | Rare | Great | Wondrous | Fantastic | Lethal Melee (crushed by giant rock) or Lethal Projectile (penetrated by shrapnel) |
Type-91 Surface-to-Air Missile | Rare | Great | Single Shift | Wondrous | Blast (Explosion) |
*Vickers Gun | Average | Great | Single Shift | Wondrous | Blast (Explosion) |
- Alcotan-100 attacks ignore armor of Rank Fantastic or less, meaning that if the armor Rank is Fantastic or lower it does not reduce the damage of this attack.
- Bazooka attacks can penetrate through brute force armor of Rank Great or less, meaning that if the armor Rank is Great or lower it does not reduce the damage of this attack.
- The *9K333 Verba has extremely sophisticated targeting. This inflicts a penalty of -3RS on any attempts to block it, evade it or prevent it from locking on to a target and home in.
- MGM-140 ATACMS fires only a single missile but from a camouflaged six-lid casing meaning enemy prediction can be fooled as to the exact location and trajectory of the missile as it fires. This inflicts a -1RS penalty on any character attempting the Interposing (FSERIP RPG rulebook, page 33) or Parry type combat actions.
- Panzerfaust 3 attacks ignore armor of Rank Fantastic or less, meaning that if the armor Rank is Fantastic or lower it does not reduce the damage of this attack.
Firearms detonate some form of propellant such as gunpowder or blasting powder to launch a Lethal Projectile at a target. Pistols are single hand Weapons, all "long guns" or Rifles are two hand Weapons other than Carbines which can be used single hand at a firing penalty of -2RS.
Firearms fire bullets, cartridges, sabot rounds with a smaller projectile within a jacket dropped during flight to accelerate the attack and caseless projectiles. Whatever the exact type, in FASERIP in addition to whatever normal projectile the Weapon fires and whatever normal damage it does, there are also available a wide range of weird and wonderful types of ammunition. These replace the entire normal full clip or amount of ammunition for the firearm with the chosen type of weird ammo. All weird ammunition requires a Luxury -4RS to purchase.
The table below sets out the types of weird ammo available. Note the chart says "bullets" but it can mean "cartridges", "caseless ammunition" or whatever the firearm is actually firing.
___AMMUNITION___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Armor Piercing Bullets / Car Killers | World Class, ignores all physical armor and Protection rating of Vehicles | Lethal Projectile |
Beanbag Rounds | Great | Affliction (Pain) |
Cyanide Bullets | Average | Lethal Projectile plus victim must immediately pass an Endurance roll or die from Affliction (Cyanide Poisoning) |
Flame Bullets | Great | Blast (Fire) |
Frangible Bullets | Average / Great damage to unarmored targets. | Blast (Explosion) fragmentation on impact. |
Freeze Bullets | Great | Blast (Cold) |
Garlic Bullets | Average / World Class damage to Vampires | Lethal Projectile |
Glazers | Decent | Lethal Projectile, any Silver or Gold result kills the target instantly from blood loss. |
Ice Bullets | Average | Lethal Projectile, the bullet melts away completely leaving no trace of what caused the obvious wound |
Mercury-Tipped Bullets | Decent | Lethal Projectile plus Affliction (Mercury Poisoning) |
Mercy Bullets | Great | Blunt Thrown |
Phosphorus Bullets | Great | Blast (Fire) and Affliction (burning with fire that cannot be extinguished through normal means |
Rubber Bullets | Decent | Blunt Thrown |
Silver Bullets | Average | Lethal Projectile, kills any Werewolf instantly on a successful hit. |
Smoke Bullets | Great | Affliction (Choking Smoke) |
Tracers | Great | Blast (Explosion), also lights up target making it +2RS easier to hit with next shot |
Wooden Bullets | Average / World Class damage to Vampires | Lethal Projectile, Gold result instantly kills a Vampire as it slams through their heart, "staking" them |
Assault Rifles are bullet firing firearms, guns operated two handed that can shoot a single bullet or a burst of bullets, or even fire fully automatic until all the bullets in the Weapon are exhausted.
By strict definition, a firearm must have the following characteristics to be considered an assault rifle:
- It must be an individual weapon operated by a single character;
- It must be capable of selective fire meaning it has the capacity to switch between single shot (semi-automatic) and burst/fully automatic fire;
- It must have Damage greater than a pistol but less than a standard rifle or battle rifle;
- Its ammunition must be supplied from a detachable box magazine;
- It should have an effective range of at least 300 metres (330 yards). Rifles that meet most of these criteria, but not all, are technically not assault rifles, despite frequently being called such.
- NOTE that the Gewehr 43 only holds 10 shots total.
- NOTE that the M1 Garand only holds 8 shots total.
- The The Apache Revolver is a combination revolver, knuckle dusters and knife, hence the three types of damage it can deliver.
- The Welrod is a silenced pistol.
- The S333 Revolver fires two bullets per shot for devastating damage.
- The TP-82 Cosmonaut Survival Pistol is a combination double barreled shotgun and rifle round firing pistol. It can deliver one or both shotgun shells and its rifle shot at the same time. It can't attack multiple targets at the same time.
- The Welrod is a silenced pistol.
- Telescopic Riot Clubs shrink down to be pocket sized but with a simple flick stretch out and lock into a lethal slightly flexible metal wand. Used correctly it can tear open the flesh, penetrate muscle to break bone or crack someone's skull open and potentially kill them on a Gold result.
- Kris: an Indonesian wavy-bladed dagger made of cold iron alloyed with meteoritic iron. All Kris have magical power, to affect fortune for good or bad. In effect, the Kris has an "alignment". There is no way of knowing whether the alignment of a Kris is for good or evil until you own it. Once owned, it is permanently bonded to the owner until either the Kris is destroyed or the owner dies or sells it to another person. An evil Kris inflicts a constant -25 Karma handicap on a hero who owns it; a good Kris inflicts a constant -25 Karma penalty on a villain who owns it. This means that the "normal" Karma of the owner is reduced by 25 as long as the Kris is owned, potentially meaning the owner has constant "Bad Karma" - a negative Karma score that must be brought up to zero before Karma is useable by that character.
- Misericordia: a small surgically sharp stabbing Knife. On a Silver or Gold result it has found the heart or another vital area and killed the target instantly.
- Swordcatcher: a dagger with a trigger on its grip that extends two side blade to make a sharp fork. The fork traps - and can break - a weapon it catches.
- Vampire Dagger: This ornate and magnificent dagger confers the Power of Regeneration on its user. When the dagger remains embedded in a victim, the Regeneration effect is activated.
- A Trident is a metal spear with a three pronged sharp point fork on one end. It can be used in melee or thrown.
- Flaming Swords burst into flames on command or when drawn from their scabbard.
- Frost Brands become coated in ice and glow with a cold blue light on command or when drawn from their scabbard./li>
- *An Ixwa is a throwable longsword. When used as a thrown weapon it has Decent effective range and inflicts Decent Lethal Thrown damage.
- The Living Swords of Bytrroxx are parts of the dead (or dormant) body of the Kaiju Bytrroxx converted into huge and wide weirdly shaped swords. Each of them has an Alien green cat-pupiled eye in the hilt which contantly blinks and looks around at whatever is going on. This sword is edged but fleshy; it effectively delivers blunt trauma and smothering rather than a sharp slash.
- The Pisano Hatalan is fashioned from antelope horns combined with strange cold-forged metals. As a result damage from this weapon cannot be restored through Regeneration or any magical or technological means other than simple rest.
- **A Rapier is a weapon not of Fighting or Strength but of Agility. Thus Agility is used to make attacks with this Weapon.
- Sawtooth Swords have a serrated toothed edge that inflicts their full damage on any character, item or weapon used to block or parry their attack.
- Scimitars are large curve-bladed swords, common in the middle east and still used for public executions there.
- A Sharkfin Shield (illustrated in the picture above "Melee Weapons", above) is a sharp-edged shield. It provides 13% Cover, meaning if 13 or less is rolled on 1d100 it can apply its armor rating to any damage. It provides Great armor to the area it covers. Cover is also discussed on page 34 of the FASERIP RPG rulebook.
- Vampire Sword: This ornate and magnificent sword confers the Power of Regeneration on its user. When the sword spills blood, the Regeneration effect is activated.
The default number of shots most Assault Rifles can produce before requiring reloading is World Class (30) - 30 single shots, or Decent (10) bursts of 3 bullets, or exhaust the entire ammunition store in the Weapon for fully automatic attack in a single combat round.
Firing fully automatic reduces the accuracy but potentially increases the damage. The attack roll for using the Weapon is reduced by -2RS but the Damage is +1RS.
Ammunition for guns of standard type require a normal successful roll on Wealth to obtain. In other words to buy an extra clip or box full of bullets requires a normal Wealth roll.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
9A-91 | Rare | World Class | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
AAC Honey Badger | Luxury -2RS | Decent | Great | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
AAI ACR | Luxury -2RS | Decent | Great | World Class | Lethal Projectile (Flechette) |
ADS | Luxury -1RS | Decent | Astounding | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
AK-12 | Rare | Average | Fantastic | Great | Lethal Projectile |
AK-63/AMM | Rare | Decent | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
AK-47 | Rare | Decent | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
AK-74 | Average | Great | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
APS Underwater Rifle | Luxury -4RS | Decent | Great (in air) / Average (underwater) | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
ArmaLite AR-15 | Rare | Great | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile (Flechette) |
Automatkarbin 5 | Rare | Great | Astounding | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Barrett REC7 / M4 adaptation | Luxury | Great | Astounding | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Beretta AR 70/90 | Luxury | Average | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
BR18 adaptation | Luxury | Decent | Astounding | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Close Battle Quarters Receiver | Luxury | Average | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Colt Canada C7 | Luxury | Great | Phenomenal | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
CZ 805 BREN | Luxury | Great | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
CZ2000 | Luxury | Average | Great | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Daewoo Precision Industries K1 | Rare -1CS | Decent | World Class | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Dasan Machineries K16 | Rare | Average | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
FN F2000 | Luxury -4CS | Decent | Astounding | Great | Lethal Projectile |
FN FNC | Average | Decent | Astounding | Great | Lethal Projectile (also fitted with integralized bayonet for stabbing damage) |
Galil AR | Luxury | Great | Astounding | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
HK33 | Luxury | Decent | Great | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Howa Type-20 | Luxury -1RS | Decent | Astounding | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
IWI Tavor TAR-21 | Luxury | Decent | Great | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Komodo Armament D5 | Rare | Terrible | Decent | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
KORD 6P67 | Luxury -1RS | Great | Astounding | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle / HK416 | Luxury -2RS | Decent | Phenomenal | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Norinco Type 86S | Rare | Average | Decent | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
Remington ACR "Masada" | Luxury -1RS | Decent | World Class | Great | Lethal Projectile |
SA80/L85 | Rare | Decent | World Class | Fantastic | Lethal Projectile |
Valmet and Sako M62 | Luxury -1RS | Great | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Vepr | Luxury | Average | Fantastic | Great | Lethal Projectile |
XM29 OICW | Luxury -4RS | Great | Single Shift | Fantastic | Blast (high explosive with shrapnel affecting one whole Area) |
Battle Rifles are bullet firing firearms, guns operated two handed that can shoot a single bullet or a burst of bullets, or even fire fully automatic until all the bullets in the Weapon are exhausted. Battle rifles are full-powered rifles, full-length, fully automatic or semi-automatic rifles that have been adopted by a nation's military. Some Assault Rifles (see above) are pressed into service as Battle Rifles; they are not re-listed in this section.
Firing fully automatic does not reduces the accuracy or increase the damage of a battle rifle.
Ammunition for guns of standard type require a normal successful roll on Wealth to obtain. In other words to buy an extra clip or box full of bullets requires a normal Wealth roll.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Beretta BM59 | Average | Bad | World Class | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
CETME Model 58 | Average +1RS | Average | Fantastic | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Desert Tech MDR | Luxury | Great | Phenomenal | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
FA-MAS Type 62 | Rare | Average | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
FG42 | Luxury -4RS | Great | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
FN FAL | Rare +2RS | Average | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
FN Model 1949 | Average +2RS | Average | Wondrous | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
FN SCAR (-L/-H) | Luxury +1RS | Decent | Astounding | Great (-L) / World Class (-H) | Lethal Projectile |
Gewehr 43 | Average | Average | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
HK G3 | Luxury | Great | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Howa Type 89 | Luxury | Average | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
IMBEL IA2 | Luxury | Average | Single Shift, with scope Double Shift | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
IWI ACE | Luxury | Decent | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle ("SLR") | Luxury | Average | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
M1 Garand | Average | Average | Fantastic | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle | Luxury +1RS | Average | World Class | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
MAS-49 | Average | Bad | Fantastic | Great | Lethal Projectile |
MG42 | Luxury | Great | Astounding | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
SIG MCX SPEAR / XM5 | Luxury -4RS | Decent | Single Shift | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
SIG SG 550 | Luxury -3RS | Great | World Class | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Zastava M77 B1 | Average | Bad | Great | adjustable from World Class to Astounding | Lethal Projectile |
Pistols are held in one hand. Pistols can be revolvers, self loaders, or true automatics - machine pistols or sub machine guns (SMG) - a kind of tiny machine gun. Machine pistols have the same applicable ammunition and firing selection rules as Assault Rifles (see above). Revolvers have Average number of shots (6), modern pistols of other kinds have Great (20) shots (actually, often 21 or 22).
The default number of shots most machine pistols can produce before requiring reloading is World Class (30) - 30 single shots, or Decent (10) bursts of 3 bullets, or exhaust the entire ammunition store in the Weapon for fully automatic attack in a single combat round.
Firing fully automatic reduces the accuracy but potentially increases the damage. The attack roll for using the Weapon is reduced by -2RS but the Damage is +1RS.
Ammunition for guns of standard type require a normal successful roll on Wealth to obtain. In other words to buy an extra clip or box full of bullets requires a normal Wealth roll.
Pistols with *Star next to their name are machine pistols or SMGs capable of burst or full automatic firing.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
.22 Pistol | Average | Decent | Decent | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
.38 Revolver | Rare | Great | Decent | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
9mm Pistol | Rare | Decent | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*A-M20 | Luxury -3RS | Decent | Great | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*Agram 2000 | Rare | Bad | Decent | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
Apache Revolver | Luxury | Average | Average | Average | Lethal Projectile, Blunt Melee or Lethal Melee |
Arsenal Firearms AF1 "Strike One" | Luxury -3RS | World Class | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Automag .44 | Luxury | Decent | Great | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Beretta M9 | Luxury | Decent | Great | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Beretta 92 | Luxury | Average | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*Beretta 93R | Luxury -2RS | Average | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*Brugger & Thomet APC | Luxury | Great | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*Calico M950 | Luxury | Decent | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*Carl Gustav m/45 | Rare | Average | Decent | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
Colt M1911 | Average | Average | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Daewoo Precision Industries K5 | Luxury | Decent | Great | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*Daewoo Precision Industries K7 | Luxury -1RS | Great | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Desert Eagle | Luxury -1RS | Great | Decent | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Derringer miniature one-shot pistol | Luxury -2RS | Average | Bad | Terrible | Lethal Projectile |
Glock 20 | Rare | Decent | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Mauser 9mm Pistol | Luxury | Great | Great | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Revolver, Charter Arms Bulldog | Luxury -1RS | Great | Average | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Revolver, Colt 1861 Navy Revolver | Luxury | Great | Decent | Average | Lethal Projectile |
Revolver, Colt Anaconda | Luxury | Decent | Average | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Revolver, Colt Detective Special | Rare | Decent | Average | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Revolver, Rutger Security Six | Luxury | Great | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Revolver, S333 Thunderstruck | Luxury -4RS | Average | Decent | Astounding | Lethal Projectile |
Revolver, Smith & Wesson .357 | Luxury | Great | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Revolver, Smith & Wesson Model 14 | Luxury | Average | World Class | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
*Skorpion vz.61 | Luxury -2RS | Decent | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*Stechkin APS | Luxury -1RS | Great | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Steyr M1912 | Luxury | Great | Average | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*Steyr TMP | Luxury -4RS | Great | World Class | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*Tec-9 | Luxury -2RS | Great | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
TP-82 Cosmonaut Survival Pistol (pistol-sized shotgun) | Luxury -5RS | Great | Decent, Great or World Class | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
TT33 Tokarev | Average | Decent | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Type 14 Nambu | Average | Decent | Great | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
Type-77 Pistol | Average | Bad | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
*UZI | Luxury -4RS | Great | Average | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Viper Jaws .50 Caliber Pistol | Luxury -3RS | Decent | Fantastic | Astounding | Lethal Projectile |
Walther PPK | Luxury -1RS | World Class | Great | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Walther PPS 9mm | Luxury -2RS | World Class | Great | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Walther PPS .40 caliber | Luxury -3RS | World Class | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Welrod silenced pistol | Luxury | Decent | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Z88 Vektor | Luxury | Great | Great | World Class | Lethal Projectile |
Bows use a stretching string, cable or thong to throw an arrow at a target. Crossbow use a mechanical device of some kind to fire a bolt.
All forms of bow and crossbow come with a quiver (bows) or quarrel (crossbows) of 30 of their arrows or bolts.
As with firearms, in addition to whatever standard form of missile the Weapon fires, weird and wonderful other types can be purchased, each for a Luxury Rank Wealth roll. "Arrow" in the chart also means "Bolt."
___AMMUNITION___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Armor Piercing Arrow / Car Killers | Decent, ignores all physical armor and Protection rating of Vehicles | Lethal Projectile |
Boxing Glove Arrow | Decent | Blunt Thrown |
Broadhead Hunting Arrow | Decent | Lethal Projectile, any Silver or Gold result kills the target instantly from blood loss. |
Flame Arrow | Decent | Blast (Fire) |
Freeze Arrow | Decent | Blast (Cold) |
Frog Crotch Arrow | Decent | On any target other than rope, cable or line, it does Blunt Thrown. Striking a rope, cable or line ir instantly severs them at the point struck. |
Garlic Arrow | Average / World Class damage to Vampires | Lethal Projectile |
Ice Arrow | Bad | Lethal Projectile, the arrow melts away completely leaving no trace of what caused the obvious wound |
Rope Arrow | Decent | Binding, or fires a rope up on to a structure allowing the rope to be used for Climbing. |
Screamer Arrow | Decent | Affliction (Sonic Blast) |
Silver Arrow | Average | Lethal Projectile, kills any Rakshasa demonic shapeshifter instantly on a successful hit. |
Smoke Arrow | Great | Affliction (Choking Smoke) |
Any of the ammunition above can, in a comic book world, be used on any kind of bow or crossbow.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Compound Bow (bow with levers and pulleys) | Luxury -2RS | Great | Fantastic | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Crossbow | Luxury | Average | Terrible (Touch) or Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Longbow (6' long bow) | Luxury | Great | Fantastic | Decent | Lethal Thrown |
Shortbow | Average | Decent | World Class | Decent | Lethal Thrown |
Speargun | Average | Decent | Decent | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
A melee weapon, hand weapon or close combat weapon is any hand-held weapon or weapon attached to the character's bpody used in hand-to-hand combat. The range of all Melee Weapons is Terrible (Touch) and they are for use within the direct physical reach of the weapon itself, essentially functioning as an additional (and more impactful) extension of the user's limbs. Even Over-Sized Melee Weapons still only affect one Area during combat, but can sweep across multiple opponents at the same time. Using an Over-Sized Weapon inflicts a -3RS penalty on the attack roll unless the character has a Speciality devoted to that specific type of Over-Sized Weapon for example Speciality (Over-Sized Two Handed Swords) and so on. Each Speciality slot adds +1RS meaning someone would need three slots in the same Speciality to complete negate any penalty on the attack roll with an Over-Sixed Weapon.
Over-Sized Weapons in general are not useable by anyone whose Strength is less than Great. They simply are too heavy to use. Having said that, if a player picks a super power involving an Over-Sized Weapon part of the effect of that Power is that the character who owns it despite any lack of Strength. The normal -3RS still applies.
Improvised Weapons and Slapstick Fighting allow non-weapons such as planks of wood and paint tins be used as normal weapons. These types of attacks are covered in their own article on this site.
An axe or ax is a single or double edge wedge attached to a handle or haft. Swinging the wedge down so that the edge or narrow end strikes delivers a powerful splitting blow to whatever is struck. Most axes are kept razor sharp; but the wedge tool shape of an axe means even a blunt axe deliver Lethal Blunt damage.
Axe wedges (the "head") are usually made of tempered steel. Prehistoric and very ancient versions will be stone, chipped obsidian, the tooth of some huge predatory animal, polished sharpened wood, or bronze. Axes can also be made of enchanted magical materials meaning an axe could be crystal, gemstone, hardened coral, bone or any other weird material. Likewise extremely advanced technology can make plastic, carbon or resin compounds as strong as metal.
Plastic axes do not set off metal detectors but they are far too large to smuggle either.
Theoretically, any Axe can be a thrown weapon, even if not intended as such.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Butcher's Hatchet | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Lethal Melee |
Labrys (Double-bladed battle axe) | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee |
Mattock (Hoe) | Average | Average | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee |
PickAxe | Average | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee |
Throwing Axe | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) or Decent | Decent | Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown |
Viking Axe | Luxury | Decent | Terrible (Touch) or Decent | Great | Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown |
Woodman's Axe | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Blunt Weapons include clubs, warhammers, maces and any other Lethal Blunt simple smashing Weapon for slugging someone.
Blunt weapons are usually made of tempered steel heads on wooden handles, or entirely of wood. Prehistoric and very ancient versions will be stone, chipped obsidian, the tooth of some huge predatory animal, polished wood, or bronze. Blunt Weapons can also be made of enchanted magical materials meaning it could be crystal, gemstone, hardened coral, bone or any other weird material. Likewise extremely advanced technology can make plastic, carbon or resin compounds as strong as metal. Plastic blunt weaponry are not as sharp as normal daggers and do one Rank less damage. However they are not detectable by most security X-Ray machines nor do they set of metal detectors. The size of most Blunt Weapons precludes smuggling them through Customs.
Any kind of Blunt Weapon can have Spikes attached. For example a simple Mace with Spikes attached becomes a Morningstar, a Scepter with one or more Spikes attached becomes a Bec de Corbin, and so on. Spikes turn whatever weapon to which they are attached into a Lethal Melee Weapon. They also shift the damage permanently +1RS. Attach Spikes requires a successful roll by a character with Talent Weaponsmith, Speciality Weaponsmithing or the laborious process of Building a Device (see page 50 of the FASERIP rulebook). If Building a Device to attach Spikes, the Spikes are going to be delivering not only Lethal Melee type damage but also whatever Power effect the Device type Spikes provide.
CHAINS are a very special kind of Blunt Weapon. They do blunt type damage but on a successful hit also create a Binding effect on the target as the chains wrap around them or part of their body. Weapons with a *Star on their name are CHAIN weapon as well as whatever else is noted.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Baseball Bat | Average +2RS | Average | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Blunt Melee |
Billy Club | Average | Average | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Blunt Melee |
Bommyknocker (giant Croquet mallet) (14') | Average -2RS | Average | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Blunt Melee |
*Flail (chain on a stick) | Average -2RS | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
*Flail, Three-Ball (three chains on a stick with a spiked metal ball attached to each chain) | Luxury -2RS | Great | Terrible (Touch) | World Class | Lethal Melee |
Jester's Bladder (rubber chicken or similar on a stick) | Average -2RS | Terrible | Terrible (Touch) | Terrible | Blunt Melee |
Mace (metal headed club) | Rare | World Class | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Blunt Melee |
*Nunchaku (two sticks joined by a chain or rope) | Average | Average | Terrible (Touch) | Bad | Blunt Melee |
*Prison Ball and Chain | Rare | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Blunt Melee |
Telescopic Riot Club | Luxury | World Class | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Tonfa | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Blunt Melee |
Tree Branch Club | Average +4RS | Bad | Terrible (Touch) | Terrible | Blunt Melee |
Warhammer | Luxury -2RS | Great | Terrible (Touch) | World Class | Lethal Melee |
Warhammer, Lucerne | Luxury -3RS | Great | Terrible (Touch) | World Class | Lethal Melee (the shaped spike on this Weapon IGNORES ARMOR) |
Wooden Club | Average +3RS | Bad | Terrible (Touch) | Bad | Blunt Melee |
Wooden Mallet | Average | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Blunt Melee |
A dagger is a fighting knife with a very sharp point and usually two sharp edges, typically designed or capable of being used as a thrusting or stabbing weapon. A knife is a single-edged dagger, and usually much smaller than a dagger. Because daggers are a Weapon but some knives are mere tools, knives can descend in size far below what would inflict even one point of damage.
Daggers have been used throughout human history for close combat and as a result many cultures have used ornate or specially crafted daggers in ritual and ceremonial contexts including court room proceedings, taking and giving oaths and even human and animal sacrifice. Daggers have come to be closely associated symbolically with special forces troops, betrayal, assassination and murders.
Daggers are usually made of tempered steel. Prehistoric and very ancient versions will be stone, chipped obsidian, the tooth of some huge predatory animal, polished sharpened wood, or bronze. Daggers can also be made of enchanted magical materials meaning a dagger could be crystal, gemstone, hardened coral, bone or any other weird material. Likewise extremely advanced technology can make plastic, carbon or resin compounds as strong as metal. Plastic daggers are not as sharp as normal daggers and do one Rank less damage. However they are not detectable by most security X-Ray machines nor do they set of metal detectors.
Theoretically, any Dagger or Knife can be a thrown weapon, even if not intended as such. But throwing a butter knife at someone is not going to deliver Lethal Thrown damage to anyone except in a 10,000 to 1 type situation.
Silvering a dagger, covering the blade in pure silver metal in a very thin coating, makes the Weapon lethal to characters who cast magic spells. Anyone successfully struck by a Silver Dagger who casts magic (not magic item users or mythical or magical creatures) is killed instantly by any such attack on a Gold result. Wounds inflicted on magic users by a Silver Dagger can only be healed by rest, and no Powers or technology including normal non-magical healing medicine speeds the healing.
Daggers are very versatile Weapons, because they can be thrown as well as used in the hand. They also can be used at the same time as another one-handed Weapon to give a character possibilities of making a Parry, Interposing in a different way or even trying, based on skills or powers, to make an extra attack or take an extra action.
Daggers can be attached to a rifle or other long ranged weapon to provide a close combat lethal melee attack. This doesn't magically add an extra action in combat but it does mean a Weapon can do more than Blunt Melee (stunning) when used hand-to-hand.
Weapons with a *Star before their name are not edged and only deliver Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown by thrusting, impaling or puncturing a target.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Athame (ritual dagger) | Luxury | World Class | Terrible (Touch) | Bad, World Class to magic users, magical beings, daemons and Aliens | Lethal Melee |
Bone Dagger | Average | Terrible | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Butcher's Knife | Average +1RS | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown |
Dagger | Average +2RS | Bad | Terrible (Touch) or Average | Bad | Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown |
Dragon Tooth | Luxury -7RS | Single Shift | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Fairbarn-Sykes Fighting Knife | Rare | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Fossil Tooth | Luxury -7RS | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Bad | Blunt Melee, Lethal Melee on a Gold result |
Kaur (wooden knife) | Rare | Bad | Terrible (Touch) | Bad | Lethal Melee |
Knife | Average +3RS | Bad | Terrible (Touch) or Average | Terrible | Lethal Melee or Blunt Thrown |
Knife Gauntlet (metal glove with attached dagger blade) | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee and +2RS on parry attempts using this Weapon |
Kris | Luxury -2RS | Single Shift | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Lethal Melee |
Kyoketsu-Shoge (Dagger attached to Chain)r | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) or Decent | World Class | Lethal Melee, Lethal Thrown or Binding |
*Misericordia | Luxury | World Class | Terrible (Touch) | Terrible (but see notes below) | Lethal Melee |
Obsidian Dagger | Luxury | Bad | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
*Poignard | Rare | Great | Terrible (Touch) or Average (-1RS penalty to use as thrown weapon) | Average | Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown |
Radioactive Dagger | Luxury -4RS | Great | Terrible (Touch) | to non-mutants: Decent, to mutants: Great | Lethal Melee |
*Sai (Japanese swordcatcher) | Great | Average | Terrible (Touch) or Decent | Average | Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown |
*Stiletto | Average | Average | Terrible (Touch) or Decent | Bad | Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown |
Swordcatcher | Rare | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Lethal Melee or Parry and do damage to an enemy weapon |
Throwing Knife | Average | Average | Terrible (Touch) or Decent | Bad | Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown |
Vampire Dagger | Luxury -13RS | Great | Terrible (Touch) | World Class | Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown |
Pole weapons are long wooden or metal staves (plural of staff). If there is nothing attached to the pole then it is a staff or over-sized staff. A wooden staff is usually slightly over average human height and is called a Quarterstaff. Poles with blades attached are some form of polearm weapon or pike. The most common and ancient bladed polearm is the spear.
Any Pole Weapon can be thrown. Some are designed to be, others are simply able to be thrown like any other improvised weapon.
A character who as skill or Speciality with Pole Weapons can make, as a standard action, a Spinning Attack. This means that the weapon is swung all around the character and attacks everyone in range at a -1RS penalty for Blunt Melee rather than its normal damage.
A character who is Charging (FASERIP RPG page 31) can be Interposed (FASERIP RPG page 33) by a character using a Pole Weapon of any kind. If the Interposing is successful, the Charging character fails no matter what their attack result was. The full damage of the Pole Weapon user is then applied to the Charging character.
Over-Sized Pole Weapons will have a (number in brackets') after their name. This is the length of the sword in feet.
The range that a thrown spear will travel to a target is equal to the character's Strength.
As a ranged attack, the character rolls on Agility to make a Thrown Weapon attack with a spear when using it as a ranged weapon.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Demilune (fishtail-bladed Pike) (12') | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Imperial Warhammer (warhammer on a stick) (14') | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Blunt Melee |
Iron Staff | Luxury | World Class | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Lethal Melee |
Javelin | Average | Decent | Terrible (Touch) or Strength | Bad | Lethal Thrown |
Mancatcher | Rare | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Binding (catches the target around the neck on a successful hit) |
Naginata (two-bladed staff - sword blade at each end) | Luxury | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee |
Pike (axe on a stick) (14') | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Quarterstaff | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Blunt Melee |
Spear | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) or Strength | Average | Lethal Thrown |
Spear, Pilum | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) or Strength +1RS (uses a spear thrower as part of the weapon) | Average | Lethal Thrown |
Trident | Average | Great | Terrible (Touch) or Strength | Average | Lethal Melee or Lethal Thrown |
A sword is an edged, bladed weapon intended for manual cutting or thrusting. Its blade, longer than a knife or dagger, is attached to a hilt and can be straight or curved. A thrusting sword tends to have a straighter blade with a pointed tip. A slashing sword is more likely to be curved and to have a sharpened cutting edge on one or both sides of the blade. Many swords are designed for both thrusting and slashing. There are high tech swords made using the most advanced science, antique and ancient swords whose construction is advanced that they remain in perfect or close to perfect condition even after centuries, magic swords whose existence is owed to magic spells and magical or divine forging, and crude or barbaric swords.
Over-Sized Swords will have a (number in brackets') after their name. This is the length of the sword in feet.
Swords are usually made of tempered steel. Prehistoric and very ancient versions will be stone or bronze. Swords can also be made of enchanted magical materials meaning a sword could be crystal, gemstone, hardened coral, bone or any other weird material. Likewise extremely advanced technology can make plastic, carbon or resin compounds as strong as metal. Plastic Swords are not as sharp as normal Swords and do one Rank less damage. However they are not detectable by most security X-Ray machines nor do they set of metal detectors.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Blade Gauntlet (metal glove with attached sword blade) | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee or Blunt Melee |
Broadsword | Rare | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Broadsword, Imperial (15') | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) but can attack two characters at once if both are in the same direction as the sword is swung | Great | Lethal Melee |
Falx (Roman sickle sword) | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Lethal Melee |
Flaming Sword | Luxury -3RS | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee and Blast (Energy - Fire) |
Frost Brand | Luxury -3RS | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee and Affliction (Freezing Cold) |
Giant Kriegsmesser (21') | Luxury -5RS | World Class | Terrible (Touch) | Fantastic | Lethal Melee |
Gladius Hispaniensis (Roman Shortsword) | Luxury | World Class | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Ixwa | Rare | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee* |
Katana (Japanese Longsword) | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Knight's Sword (useable one or two handed) | Luxury | World Class | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee |
Living Sword of Bytrroxx (30') | Luxury -10RS | Single Shift | Terrible (Touch) but covers whole Area and can attack everyone in it at once | Astounding | Blunt Melee |
Longsword | Rare | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee |
Longsword, Floberge | Rare | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee and cuts off limb or head on a Gold result |
Machete | Average | Average | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Lethal Melee |
Pirate Cutlass | Rare | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee |
Pisano Hatalan | Luxury -4CS | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee |
Rapier | Average | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee** |
Saber | Rare | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent (slashing) / Average (stabbing) | Lethal Melee |
Samsara Zanblade (25') | Luxury -4RS | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | World Class | Lethal Melee |
Sawtooth Sword | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Lethal Melee |
Scimitar | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Great | Lethal Melee |
Sharkfin Shield | Luxury -2RS | World Class | Terrible (Touch) | Decent (also provides Great armor to covered area) | Lethal Melee |
Shortsword | Rare | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Lethal Melee |
Swordcane | Average | Decent | Terrible (Touch) | Decent | Lethal Melee or if Sword is not drawn from Cane, Blunt Melee |
Wakazashi (Japanese Shortsword) | Luxury | Great | Terrible (Touch) | Average | Lethal Melee |
Vampire Sword | Luxury -13RS | Great | Terrible (Touch) | World Class | Lethal Melee |
Rayguns are highly engineered futuristic weapons which project a ray, series of pulses, flickering bolt or other discharge of energy.
The energy can be electromagnetic, longitudinal such a sound and vibration, or something more mysterious.
The default number of shots most Rayguns can produce before requiring reloading or refueling is World Class (30). Reloading a Raygun is usually a matter of replacing its battery or fuel cell with a new one. Cost of such a battery or fuel cell is usually Luxury -2RS.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Agonizer | Luxury | Decent | Astounding | Decent | Affliction (agonizing pain) |
Blaster | Luxury -5RS | Decent | Decent | Great | Blast (Explosion) |
Brown Note Gun | Luxury -1RS | Decent | Fantastic | Great | Affliction (diarrhea, stench, stomach pains, target soils itself on Silver or Gold result) |
Earthquake Gun | Luxury -2RS | Decent | Astounding | Decent | Blast (Earthquake), Affliction (shaking ground, nausea) or Burrowing |
Gamma Gun (particle beam pistol) | Luxury -2RS | Average | Decent | Phenomenal | Energy Blast which attacks as if a Lethal Projectile |
Hurricane Gun | Luxury -3RS | Decent | Great | Great | Blast (Air Control Blast) - extinguishes all flames on or near the target |
Laser Pistol | Luxury -2RS | Decent | Astounding | Decent | Blast (Light Control Blast) |
Lightning Gun | Luxury -10RS | Decent | Great | World Class | Blast (Lightning Bolt) |
Phased Energy Gun | Luxury -5RS | Great | Great | Astounding | Blast (electromagnetic energy and heat) |
Sound Gun | Luxury -1RS | Decent | Great | Great | Blast (Sound Blast) or Affliction (deafened) |
Science fiction weapons are usually either extremely overpowered firearms or energy weapons that behave like firearms.
The default number of shots most Science Fiction Guns can produce before requiring reloading or refueling is World Class (30). Reloading a Science Fiction Gun is usually a matter of replacing its battery or "clip" with a new one. Cost of such a battery or "clip" is usually Luxury -2RS.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Beamer | Luxury -5RS | Great | Wondrous | Decent | Ray that inflicts Blast (Light Control Blast) and stays on as long as the finger is pulling the trigger. Each round of use is one shot used. |
Blaster Carbine | Luxury -7RS | Decent | Decent | World Class | Blast (Explosion) |
Chakram Carbine (fires Chakrams) | Luxury | Decent | Wondrous | Decent | Blunt Thrown |
Disc Rifle (fires razor sharp metal discs) | Luxury | Decent | Fantastic | Decent | Lethal Projectile |
Electro-Scrambler | Luxury | Decent | Great | Fantastic | Affliction (disorientation and deafness) on living targets; on Vehicles, machines and robots - Blast (electromagnetic energy and EMP) |
Laser Rifle | Luxury -3RS | Decent | Wondrous | Decent | Blast (Light Control Blast) |
Minigun | Luxury -2RS | Decent | Average | Wondrous | Lethal Projectile |
Molecular Disorganizer Rifle | Luxury -3RS | Decent | Average | Great | Corruption (melting of normal matter) |
Pulse Rifle | Luxury -2RS | Decent | Decent | Great | Lethal Projectile |
Squirters are highly engineered water pistols, gas sprayers, flame throwers, directed air blast fan weapons and anything else that projects a non-solid attack. They are all created in such a way that they can safely store their own ammunition, liquid, chemicals or compressors. If the Material Strength of a Squirter is overcome, the Squirter immediately explodes for Great Blunt damage on its user and inflicts a full force effect of its own normal Damage on the user as well.
The default number of shots most Squirters can produce before requiring reloading is Great (20).
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___RANGE___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Air Blaster | Rare | Great | Phenomenal | Great | Blast (Air), also extinguishes all fires on target |
Bubble Gun | Rare | Decent | Decent | Average | Affliction (Soap Bubbles) |
Concretor | Luxury -1RS | Great | Great | Great | Binding AND Affliction (covered in quick-setting concrete) |
Flamethrower | Average | Average | Decent | Great | Blast (Fire) |
Freeze Pistol | Luxury | Average | Great | Great | Affliction (covered in ice) |
Gas Gun, Poison | Luxury | Great | Decent | Great | Affliction (Poison) |
Gas Gun, Sleep | Luxury | Great | Decent | Great | Affliction (Sleepiness) |
Gas Gun, Smoke | Rare | Great | Decent | Great | Affliction (Smoke) |
Glue Gun | Luxury | Decent | Great | Decent | Binding (Glue) |
Resin Carbine | Luxury -2RS | Great | Great | Great | Binding AND Affliction (covered in quick-hardening resin) |
Stun Pistol | Luxury | Decent | Decent | Great | Stunning (covered in liquid anaesthetic) |
Tinsel Carbine | Luxury +1RS | Average | Great | Great | Binding (Tinsel) |
Web Gun | Luxury -4RS | Great | Great | Great | Binding (Webs) |
Thrown Weapons are thrown by the character and propelled initially at least by the character's own muscular strength.
The range that a Thrown Weapon will travel to a target is equal to the character's Strength Rank.
As a ranged attack, the character rolls on Agility to make a Thrown Weapon attack.
___WEAPON___ | ___COST___ | ___MATERIAL STRENGTH___ | ___DAMAGE___ | ___TYPE___ |
Belaying Pin (thrown wooden club) | Average | Average | Average | Blunt Thrown |
Bolas (metal balls connected by rope) | Average | Average | Decent | Blunt Thrown plus Binding |
Chakram (war frisbee) | Rare | Great | Decent | Blunt Thrown |
Grenade, Alpha Energy | Luxury | Great | Great | Energy Drain - target of a successful is immediately under Affliction (Energy Drain) and their Strength is reduced by one Rank for 10 minutes. |
Grenade, Fusion | Luxury -5RS | Great | Fantastic | Blast (Area Effect Explosion) and Affliction (Area Effect Radiation Poisoning) |
Grenade, High Explosive (HE) | Luxury | Great | World Class | Blast (Area Effect Explosion) |
Grenade, Napalm | Luxury | Great | Astounding | Blast (Area Effect Explosion) and Binding - coated with burning jelly that does not wash off |
Grenade, Paste | Luxury | Great | Great | Binding - target is covered in quick drying glue paste. |
Grenade, Smoke | Luxury | Great | World Class | Affliction (Area Effect choking smoke) |
Plumbita (Roman throwing dart) | Average | Great | Average | Lethal Thrown |
Shuriken (Throwing Star) | Average | Decent | Terrible | Lethal Thrown |