ZONA HENDERSON Arizona "Zona" Henderson, Ace Reporter

F: Decent (10)
A: Great (20)
S: Average (06)
E: Great (20)
R: Great (20)
I: Decent (10)
P: Average (06)

Health: 56
Karma: 36
Wealth: Average (06)
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Climbing, Six Shooter, Two Weapon (Six Shooters) (can direct fire from TWO weapons at single target as a single action), Drive Car, Pilot single engine prop plane, Talent: Journalist, Investigation
None. Zona Henderson is a normal red-blooded American girl, second to no one and perfectly capable of punching on or blasting away at bad guys, no assistance required!

Contacts: Amazing Man
Tommy Henderson (brother, Amazing Kid)

Hunted by the Great Question
