VALERYA THORNE Crime Boss of the Supernatural World

Valerya is a corporate lawyer and a bit of a lout. The kind of ego-driven jerk who boos the other team at her daughter’s soccer games or takes a little too much enjoyment foreclosing on a homeless shelter to help her clients build another Java Palace Coffee shop. However, she is also the head of a family coven of a race of supernatural beings called Yagas. Thorn is close to uniting the real and supernatural world and is always looking for pieces of the ultimate puzzle. She is often felt as a dark force all over the supernatural world—kind of like the Godfather of the Ghostly Mafia. She is tall and bony with raven black, bone-straight hair with angular bangs.

F: Average (06)
A: Average (06)
S: Average (06)
E: Great (20)
R: Great (20)
I: Average (06)
P: Phenomenal (100)

Health: 38
Karma: 126
Popularity: -20

Talents / Specialities:
Leadership; Talent: Matriarch; Talent: Crime Boss; Occult Lore; Meditation; Ritual Magic; Occult Research; Talent: Businesswoman

She rarely gets her hands dirty…having other beings and objects do her dirty work but is behind most of the dark goings-on in the supernatural world.

  • MAGIC - BLACK MAGIC (Phenomenal)

  • Contacts:
    Yaga crime family
    Various supernatural entities each of whom has the Accountable to Valerya Thorne Limitation

    (as yet unintentional) Arch-Nemesis: Violet Rose

    Real Name: Valerya Thorne
    Height: 5’11
    Weight: 140 lbs.
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Violet

    VIOLET ROSE used under license from TidalWave Productions Comic book and graphic novel publisher. The image, name and all related indicia of this character remain (c) and trademark TidalWave Productions, but the statistics and general writeup are free for you to use in your own games!