RED QUEEN A queen of space!

The Red Queen rose to power quickly in her home solar system – a system that now controls most of the known galaxy. Beautiful, cunning, and ruthless, she controls billions of shock troops and firepower strong enough to destroy all who stand in her way. So, when OrDon pushes Space Force to the reaches of the United Republic of Earth’s territory, the Red Queen fixates on destroying him – and anyone who stands in her way.

The Red Queen is brilliant and manipulative. She’s also prone to fits of anger and extremism, making her unpredictable.

F: Bad (04)
A: Average (06)
S: Average (06)
E: Average (06)
R: Fantastic (40)
I: Average (06)
P: World Class (30)

Health: 22
Karma: 76
Resources: Planetary (1000)
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Leadership, Rulership, Social Manipulation


  • SERVANTS - The Red Queen has an army and followers who obey her commands.
  • Contacts:
    Varies with her moods.


    Real Name: Unknown
    Aliases: Her Majesty
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 130 Ibs.
    Hair: Red
    Eyes: Hazel

    Foes: OrDon, anyone who stands in her way

    RED QUEEN used under license from TidalWave Productions comic book and graphic novel publisher. The image, name and all related indicia of this character remain (c) and trademark TidalWave Productions, but the statistics and general writeup are free for you to use in your own games!