F: Average (06)
A: Decent (10)
S: Average (06)
E: Decent (10)
R: Average (10)
I: Average (06)
P: Average (06)

Health: 22
Karma: 22
Resources: World Class (30) (Princess of a city-state)
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Courtly manners, Religion: Olympian gods, Dodge, Evasion

Andromeda's great beauty functions as a Limitation-bound Emotion Control Power.

  • EMOTION CONTROL (World Class): Limitation - works against owner: Andromeda's great beauty makes her the target of evil schemes and divine curses. However, it also attracts the bravest, most noble and often the most successful of heroes to her side to defend her!

Contacts: Perseus, Bubo and the Olympian gods.

See above

Notes:: Calibos, son of the sea goddess Thetis, is a young man engaged to marry Princess Andromeda, the daughter of Queen Cassiopeia and heir to the rich city of Joppa; but has destroyed diverse creatures including most of Zeus's flying horses (excepting only Pegasus). To punish him, Zeus transforms Calibos into a satyr-like creature later exiled by his people. In revenge, Thetis transports Perseus from Seriphos to Joppa, as payback to Zeus for deforming her son, where he learns that Andromeda cannot marry unless her suitor successfully answers a riddle, whose failures are burned at the stake. Perseus, wearing a helmet that renders its wearer invisible, captures Pegasus and follows Andromeda to learn a new riddle from Calibos. Perseus is nearly killed by Calibos but escapes, losing his helmet in the process.

Perseus presents himself as suitor and correctly answers the riddle, presenting the severed hand of Calibos - Calibos' ring is the answer to the riddle. Perseus wins Andromeda's hand in marriage. Calibos, finding that Thetis cannot act against Perseus, instead demands that she take vengeance on Joppa. At the wedding, Queen Cassiopeia compares Andromeda's beauty to that of Thetis herself, whereupon Thetis demands Andromeda be sacrificed to the Kraken on pain of Joppa's destruction.

ANDROMEDA used under license from TidalWave Productions comic book and graphic novel publisher. The image, name and all related indicia of this character remain (c) and trademark TidalWave Productions, but the statistics and general writeup are free for you to use in your own games!