MISS MUSCLES Brenda Cartwright
F: Average (06)
A: Decent (10)
S: Fantastic (40)
E: Average (06)
R: Average (06)
I: Average (06)
P: Average (06)
Health: 62
Karma: 18
Wealth: Average (06)
Popularity: 4
Talents / Specialities:
Bodybuilding, Performance: Show off muscles, Weightlifting, Feats of Strength, Talent: Professional Wrestler, Grappling, Ballroom Dancing
Brenda Cartwright is a female wrestler and physical fitness instructor who has trained not only to produce cosmetic bodybuilding muscles but also to obtain the absolute human limit of possible muscular strength. She uses her Fantastic Strength to fight evil and crime and go on dates with movie stars.
Mister Muscles
Kid Muscles
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