L'ECLAIR Terry-7 Umlau

F: Average (06)
A: Fantastic (40)
S: Average (06)
E: Great (20)
R: Average (06)
I: Decent (10)
P: Average (06)

Health: 72
Karma: 22
Wealth: Average (in his own time period); otherwise Zero
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Talent: Investigation, Dimensional Navigation, Grappling, Punch, Pilot Starfighter, Drive Hovercar

L'Eclair received his Cosmic power Super Speed through a Zoomway accident while traveling to the Whale's Mouth space sector. Energies from an unusual branch of the Zoomway through which he was traveling permeated him and his starfighter, destroying the starfighter but giving L'Eclair his unbelievable speed abilities.

L'Eclair is a man born in the 30th and living in the 31st Century usually, but due to his super speed power he runs through time and space, frequently visiting Science City, the 20th and 21st Centuries, the 25th Century and very occasionally past centuries and even the "prehistoric" era of 100,000 BC.

  • SUPER SPEED (Cosmic)
  • Power Stunt - SUPER SPEED - Super Travel - Dimensional Travel (Planetary): utilizing his Cosmic ability to run fast, but instead running on the spot, L'Eclair can attain a vibrational rate enabling him to shift into other dimensions and Realms Apart.
  • Power Stunt - SUPER SPEED - Time Travel (Planetary): utilizing his Cosmic ability to run fast, but instead running on the spot, L'Eclair can attain a vibrational rate enabling him to shift into interstitial time. Only his Invulnerability protects him from the otherwise potentially lethal radiation, micro-collision and contra-terrene effects of Time Travel.
  • INVULNERABILITY (Limitation - only when super-speeding) (Wondrous)

  • Contacts:

    Hunted by

    L'Eclair is a man in his mid fifties, in fairly typical physical condition for his age. He usually dresses in a "costume" which is nothing more than typical personalized street clothing for the 31st Century from which he comes.