CONGO JACK James McNally

Trying to make a rough and tumble but honest living trading from the coast to the mountains in the Congo, James McNally falls through a fissure and is swept into an area of Subterranea, the underground realm, where Green Men fight a pitiless war against Blue Dwarves!

F: World Class (30)
A: Average (06)
S: World Class (30)
E: Average (06)
R: Bad (04)
I: Average (06)
P: Average (06)

Health: 72
Karma: 16
Wealth: Zero
Popularity: 0

Talents / Specialities:
Talent: Trader, Canoeing, Sailing, Swimming, Climbing, Grappling
Congo Jack is an ordinary enough adventurer with no actual super powers. He is physically tough from years of an outdoors life.

  • Contacts:

    Hunted by the Blue Dwarves

    From when he first fell into Subterranea, there was no possible way to leave again and reach the surface world for several years.