CANNIBAL HILLBILLIES horrors from the hills

F: Decent (10)
A: Average (06)
S: Great (20)
E: Fantastic (40)
R: Average (06)
I: Average (06)
P: Average (06)

Health: 76
Karma: 18 (usually at zero due to constantly killing people)
Resources: Terrible (02)
Popularity: -20 if identity is known otherwise 0

Talents / Specialities:
Tracking, Ambush, Setting Fatal Traps, Archery, Axe, Wrestling

Cannibal Hillbillies are mutants whose ancestors drank from industrial pollution streams in their West Virginia home and similar locations. The mutagenic properties of the ooze they consumed warped their flesh and created after years of inbreeding a stable set of Powers and Limitations.

Cannibal Hillbillies are frequently encountered in groups of three but if a nest of them is found there will be 10-100 (1d100 x 10) present.

  • STRETCHING (Bad) [Limbs only]: Damage taken can be halved by stretching, accompanied by wrenching and crunching noises.
  • REDLINE OPERATIONAL (Fantastic): Cannibal Hillbillies do not suffer wooziness, unconsciousness or other side effects of injury. They continue on at full functionality until they drop dead from Health loss.
  • ALWAYS TIME FOR ONE LAST SCARE (Fantastic): When the character is killed, they immediately gain 10 points of Health. If this is enough to allow them to be alive, they are NOT dead and simply lie where they have fallen, alive, playing dead, and waiting...
  • SUPER SENSES (Decent): Cannibal Hillbillies can smell blood far better than any normal human.

None. They killed and ate them.


  • MONSTROUS: Cannibal Hillbillies are so ugly and deformed that it can cause a character to lose the ability to take their action on the first round when they encounter them. A Psyche roll can be attempted to still take an action on that round. Until a Psyche roll is passed, the affected character can't take an action other than run away from the Cannibal Hillbillies. This effect only affects living characters.
  • STALLED: the character cannot progress no matter how often Karma is spent or rolls passed.

  • Notes: